

Whether it’s specific foods you eat, oral hygiene habits, or normal wear-and-tear, there are a variety of factors that can affect the shade of your smile. At Armstrong Dental Studio in Upper East Side Manhattan, New York City, Dr. Omar Armstrong provides teeth whitening procedures that can give your smile the boost it needs, whitening your teeth by several shades. With Dr. Armstrong’s help, you can even whiten your smile at home on your own time. Call or use the online booking tool to schedule a teeth whitening appointment today.

What causes my teeth to become discolored or stained?

The outer layer of your teeth, or the enamel, can become discolored or stained because of certain foods and beverages, including:

  • Curry
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Pasta sauce
  • Berries
  • Mustard
  • Red wine
  • Dark teas

Normal wear-and-tear as you age can also cause discoloration and staining. The white enamel covering your teeth thins gradually over time, revealing more of the dentin, the yellower layer beneath. Smoking tobacco and chips or cracks in your teeth can also lead to discoloration.

How does teeth whitening work?

Teeth whitening procedures involve using a bleaching agent to break up the concentration of stains on your teeth, which can whiten them by several shades. At Armstrong Dental Studio, Dr. Armstrong uses the Philips Zoom teeth whitening treatment system. Philips Zoom is a fast, effective way to whiten your teeth. Dr. Armstrong fits you with a customized mouth tray filled with a bleaching agent. The active ingredient is either hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. Dr. Armstrong decides which whitening solution is right for you. For an in-office procedure, wearing the tray for 45 minutes can whiten your teeth up to eight shades. Dr. Armstrong can also provide whitening trays you can wear at home along with a detailed treatment plan to follow on your own time.

Is teeth whitening safe?

Teeth whitening with the Philips Zoom system is as safe as it is effective. The procedure itself, whether you’re wearing the tray in the office or at home, is relatively painless. You may experience some increased tooth sensitivity directly after a whitening, but that should subside on its own quickly.

How long do teeth whitening results last?

The long-term results of your whitening depend on you. Teeth whitening can produce long-lasting results. However, you need to maintain good oral hygiene habits and eat a balanced diet. As long as you take good care of your teeth, they should remain bright and healthy-looking for at least three years. You can always come back in for another whitening to enhance your smile again when it needs a touch-up. To schedule an in-office teeth whitening procedure, call or use the online booking tool today.

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